
Beliefs, Experiences, Programming, Pleasures, Motivations, and Other details that make me who I am and motivate me to do the things I do.

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Business Services

Photography, IT, Web, Consulting, Marketing, Team Building Philosophy and Training.

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Personal Services

Photography, Personal Development, Love, Happiness, and Life Skill Training.

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There are a lot of things that go into all that it is that I do and hope to do in this one life I have. I have multiple businesses in multiple, seemingly unrelated industries, as well as interests and things that I enjoy doing outside of work. This site is intended to help people make sense of the madness that is my life.

This is the one place, where I’m not limited to a specific business or topic, rather am able to express, communicate, and teach all of the things that I care about.

Maintain consistent action for the betterment of society, put aspirations into the world, and reap the rewards of opened doors, fulfillment, and love.

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This is should be a prospective customer’s number one call to action, e.g., requesting a quote or perusing your product catalog.